Gamma-O is one of the best test boosters I have ever used by far. The first thing I noticed while using Gamma-O was increased deep sleep. With in a week or so I was sleeping like a baby and not getting up during the night as often as I use to. Also if I did get up to take a piss, I had no problem what so ever falling back to sleep. The next thing I noticed while using Gamma-O was that I started to lean out and my vascularity started to really show and my recovery time decreased in between sets. By week three I noticed my strength was starting to increase and it was much easier to complete my sets/rep range. Then by the start of week four my strength really increased and I was setting new PR's while eating on a calorie restricted diet and training most the time fasted.
Gamma's PTF pre workout formula is another product that really shines when it comes to supplements. PTF mixed very well and quickly in my shaker cup and I never had any residue left over after drinking it. The taste was very good and I never got sick of it. With in 15 minutes of drinking PTF I could really feel the energy and drive it gave me. I actually brought PTF to the gym and drank it after my first ten minutes of working out so I would have that extra boost to finish strong with my 5am workouts. Never once did I crash after using PTF. PTF is def. in my top 3 stim pre workout drinks.

Link to Pete's full review below.
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