

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lose Weight by Avoiding White Bread & Pasta

While a soft, rich croissant sounds good, a whole-wheat bagel is healthier. A plate of whole-grain pasta with marinara sauce and a slice of whole-wheat garlic bread and a salad, while filling, also helps you reach your weight-loss goal more quickly. Read  food labels at the grocery store, keeping a wary eye out for foods using refined flour. Look instead for those made using whole grains --- and stock up on these as you work to lose weight.

Step 1
Stop buying foods made with refined wheat --- white breads, plain bagels and pastas. Instead, start buying whole-grain food products such as whole-wheat bread, breads made with whole grains and whole-grain pastas, the Helpguide website suggests.

Step 2

Step 3

Experiment with different whole-grain foods like brown rice, whole-wheat pastas, pumpernickel, rye and whole-wheat breads, soft tortillas, whole-grain bagels and English muffins. These foods will help you stay full longer, meaning you are less likely to overeat, the Family Doctor website explains.

Step 4

Buy and eat unsalted pretzels and popcorn, rather than snacking on chips, recommends Family Doctor.

Step 5

Buy and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Make sure your diet includes nutrients from all of the food groups --- lean meats, protein, dairy and whole grain. Use healthy fats, such as from canola and olive oils, to prepare your meals, recommends Helpguide.

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