

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Importance of Whole Grains

How Do Whole Grains Benefit?

Whole grains are minimally processed and include wheat, rye and barley. Minimal processing means the bran and germ of the grains are not removed. These foods include whole-grain breads, whole-wheat pastas, brown rice, whole-grain tortillas and whole-wheat bagels. Unlike white-flour products that are heavily processed, whole-grain products offer several health benefits.


Whole-grain products are higher in dietary fiber than white-flour products. A slice of whole-wheat bread contains about 1.9 g of fiber, compared to 0.6 g in a slice of white bread, according to Dietary fiber absorbs liquids, causing it to expand in your stomach. Fiber helps reduce overeating and weight gain. Dietary fiber absorbs saturated fats that contribute to weight gain.
Whole-grain products are rich sources of lean protein. A slice of whole-wheat bread offers almost twice the amount of protein as a slice of white bread, according to Protein, made up of chains of amino acids, serves as a primary source of energy for physical and cognitive function, according to Phyllis Balch, author of "Prescription for Nutritional Healing." Protein is also necessary for the repair of bone, muscle, connective tissue and organ cells.


The dietary fiber in whole grains often reduces low-density lipoproteins, the "bad" cholesterol, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. LDL contributes to fatty deposits in your circulatory system. Excessive fatty deposits restrict blood flow through your arteries and blood vessels, leading to coronary artery disease, heart attack and stroke.


Diabetes is a chronic disease marked by elevated levels of glucose, or sugars, in your bloodstream. Although glucose is a source of fuel for your body, high blood glucose often triggers diabetes-related symptoms such as fatigue, fainting, dizziness and impaired cognitive function. The dietary fiber found in whole grains may lower blood glucose levels, a benefit for diabetics.

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